Premier League

Mourinho forgets about Arsenal and talks about his only two favorites to win the Premier League

The Roma coach spoke with former Chelsea player John Obi Mikel on his podcast called The Obi One Podcast.

By Darwin Largo

The Roma coach spoke with former Chelsea player John Obi Mikel on his podcast called The Obi One Podcast.
The Roma coach spoke with former Chelsea player John Obi Mikel on his podcast called The Obi One Podcast.
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José Mourinho has once again made one of his classic jokes. The Portuguese coach was the latest guest on The Obi One Podcast, a small program directed by former Chelsea player John Obi Mikel. Guests of the caliber of Gianfranco Zola, Roberto Di Matteo and Frank Lampard among others have already passed through it.

The former Chelsea coach, among many other teams, now at Roma, was asked by his former defensive pivot about who were his favorites in the race for the Premier League title of this edition. After thinking for several seconds, Mourinho was clear about two candidates, and he commented the following without mercy; he gave 51% to Manchester City and 49% to Liverpool.

One of the podcast's contributors, Chris McHardy, jumped up surprised and asked him about Arsenal, current leader of the English league after taking advantage of Liverpool's defeat with Manchester United and beating Brighton at the Emirates Stadium. Instantly, Mourinho answered without remorse. The answer did not leave his former player John Obi Mikel indifferent, who began to laugh out loud.

The Portuguese coach reviewed his first successes with Chelsea in the Abramovich era, his difficult stay at Manchester United to his current adventure in a Roma team with which he won the Conference League in 2022. Times have changed, and this is what he showed. Mourinho, the players' current problem is that they see training sessions as simple training sessions. Before they were like a party, he shared with Obi Mikel, who agreed with him.

Not a single chance for Arsenal

I had bad luck at Chelsea. We are on the verge of being in two Champions League finals, but it has been one of the best teams I have been in, the Portuguese confessed. Both Obi Mikel and McHardy opened the can about Mohammed Salah and Kevin de Bruyne's short-lived stay as the Blues. They left because they wanted to. They didn't have the patience to bide their time and their career was going in a bad direction. De Bruyne started playing in the Premier League and, after not playing in the European Super Cup, he asked to leave.

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