
(VIDEO) Messi doesn't like losing even in friendlies, the viral video of Lionel in a non soccer match

Lionel Messi tries in a friendly game with his friends that makes fans laugh.

By Emmanuel Mendez

Lionel Messi looks serious during training while the Argentina national team badge is next to him. (Source: Messi Xtra X)
Lionel Messi looks serious during training while the Argentina national team badge is next to him. (Source: Messi Xtra X)
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Lionel Messi has achieved most of the major trophies in football and has competed at the highest level for many years. He won eight Ballon d'Or awards and is one of the greatest players of all time. He achieved that by being a competitive athlete on the pitch for all of his teams, like the Argentina national team, FC Barcelona, PSG, and Inter Miami. Now Messi shows his competitive side in a fun little game of padel tennis. The Argentine star was with Luis Suarez in a padel court against two other players. The Inter Miami duo did not want to lose the fun match, and Messi showcased his competitiveness by slamming the ball with such force against his opponents. After the game ended, Messi and Suarez won the match and celebrated as if they won a crucial game with FC Barcelona. The Argentine enjoyed his time with Suarez on the padel court, and fans are happy to see him feel more relaxed during his time in the United States.

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Messi seems to be enjoying his time away from Inter Miami ahead of Copa America. Despite having fun with Luis Suarez by playing Padel, he is still very focused on the tournament that will include him and the team defending the trophy they won in 2021. Messi said, "Copa America will be very difficult, the group knows that and knows that we have to do the same and more to try to win."

Messi added more pressure to the team after he said, "Argentina is always the favorite, we are already like that, and we take things for granted. Today we are the best because we have become world champions, but the Copa America will be difficult."

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Lionel Scaloni ahead of Copa America

The manager of the Argentina national team, Lionel Scaloni, spoke ahead of Copa America 2024, which starts tomorrow. Argentina will play against Canada and the manager spoke about the pressure the team has. Scaloni said, "What we achieved was very impressive, but it's over. We play all matches with the same seriousness. In Argentina, there is a feeling of anxiety and tension before every match, and this is what we like, and that is why we are here."

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